Design AI Assistants

Save money on artistic expression in digital design & image creation.

Latest Listings

Abstract Assist AI

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Use Case: Generates unique abstract art from textual descriptions, creating imaginative visuals based on user input.

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Announcements: Press Release >
Experiment >Learn more >

Brushed Assist AI

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Use Case:
Explore biology with a virtual teacher! Dive into cells, genes, evolution, and more. Simplified concepts for easy learning.

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Announcements: Press Release >
Experiment >Learn more >

Concept Crafter Assist AI

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User Case: Expert at building and elaborating on abstract concepts, breaking them down into fundamental elements and providing detailed, insightful explanations.

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Experiment >

Futurism Assist AI

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Use Case: Generates cutting-edge, ultra-futuristic artwork based on text prompts.

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Announcements: Press Release >
Experiment >Learn more >

Mascot Crafter Assist AI

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Use Case: Creates standout mascots that personify brands and create emotional connections in a friendly and fun way. Transform images into relatable and engaging mascots with customized visual traits based on user preferences. Just upload an image, specify some traits and create!

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Experiment >

Meme Crafter Assist AI

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Use Case: Creates funny, culturally relevant memes with witty captions. Utilises recognisable images or video clips to capture current trends and themes and crafts a meme. Maintains an energetic, friendly tone while ensuring content is appropriate and respectful.

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Experiment >

Moodboard Assist AI

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Use Case: Creates mood boards with images, text, and objects to convey themes. Offers design suggestions, color schemes, and layouts. Ensures clear, cohesive presentations by asking for user clarification. Encourages creativity and exploration in a casual, approachable style.

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Experiment >

Neon Drenched Assist AI

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Use Case: Generate eye-catching digital art with a neon flair! Ideal for creating vibrant images, logos, and illustrations that shine brightly in neon colors.

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Announcements: Press Release >
Experiment >Learn more >

Pop Assist AI

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Use Case: Creates vibrant pop art images from text descriptions, utilizing bold colours and distinctive shapes.

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Announcements: Press Release >
Experiment >Learn more >

Product Shot Crafter Assist AI

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Use Case: Digital and artwork design expert specialising in product shots and hero images for catalogues, websites, and newsletters. Create standout product shots—just upload the original asset and specify a background scene.

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Experiment >

Risograph Assist AI

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Use Case: Generate unique and eye-catching Risograph-style artwork from text descriptions. Choose from predefined colour palettes to bring your unique visions to life.

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Announcements: Press Release >
Experiment >Learn more >

Sketched Assist AI

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Use Case: Transform your ideas into unique, hand-drawn style artworks with ease. Sketched Assist AI specializes in creating expressive, detailed sketches based on your text inputs.

Builder: AI Mega Labs
Cost: Free / $0
Announcements: Press Release >
Experiment >Learn more >

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